Welcome to Nifty🌱Plant🌱Knowledge🌱, the website about the fascinating world of plants and people. If you are here, you are likely interested in plants and eager to discover how you can enhance your life by drawing inspiration from the behaviours of plants.

Plants, with their diverse and adaptive nature, offer incredible insights into sustainability, resilience, and health. Here at Nifty🌱Plant🌱Knowledge🌱, we delve into the botanical world to fetch those pearls of wisdom and share practical tips on how you can implement these learnings into your daily life. Whether it’s adopting the patience and steadiness of trees or the vibrant resilience of wildflowers, there’s so much we can learn from our green companions.

I’m Richelle Gregg, a passionate plant advocate and a self-proclaimed Florosophist. I live in beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada, with my husband and two rescue cats, Gimli and Griffin.

Two cats, one orange, one black, posing for the camera.

I have been deeply connected to nature for as long as I can remember, chasing butterflies and soaking in the sun on the Canadian prairies. One of my most cherished memories is making dandelion curls by splitting the stems and putting them in water. I always knew that my path would involve working with plants, and that’s precisely what I did.

picture of author in a garden, wearing a flannel short and holding a rake

My journey in the world of horticulture started humbly, as a soil-slinging retail worker. But I quickly blossomed into a landscape leader, managing teams and breathing life into landscapes. This journey of growth and achievement is a testament to the endless possibilities in the world of plants, and I’m proud to share it with you.

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As a certified Master Gardener and Landscape Technician, my botanical intellect is only rivalled by garden tools (I’m a pruner, not a shovel!). But more than that, I’m eagerly looking forward to connecting with fellow plant enthusiasts like you. Together, we can share our knowledge and passion, and grow in our love for plants. I’m also excited to write books that help people live better lives by learning from plants, something I call Florosophy.

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