Have you heard of Florosophy? Chances are you haven’t. It is a word I made up!

♥ Flora + Philosophy = Florosophy

Plants have been on Earth for a long time. They have adapted, evolved, and thrived, spreading to all reaches of the planet. The vast communities they formed recycled food, water and energy, ensuring every creature involved benefited. They figured out how to create a self-sufficient biome where every living thing has equal value, and each understood its purpose.
But Plants Can’t Think
I know plants are not sentient beings, but I am overly creative. Sunflowers smile on sunny days, and bees hum to themselves while out on pollen patrol. I give plants human-like traits, and I have fun doing it. If you think I’m crazy, I’m okay with that. It just means that  Florosophy is not for you. If you can relate, then you understand the resiliency that plants possess. They can’t escape from danger or difficulty. They are forced to stand their ground and find a way to endure or risk withering away. There is no in-between in the plant world. It is survive or die.
What Have We Done?
Plants have discovered their place in the world and thrived for 700 million years. They know what they are doing. Over the 200,000 years that modern man has graced the Earth’s surface, we have begun to see ourselves as a “superior” species. Why shouldn’t we? We wear clothing, use tools, control fire and have a language. We build shelters and live in tribes. Initially, we cared for the Earth and the valuable resources it provided. As time passed, we became complacent, believing we were entitled to everything. We drilled for oil and mined for coal. We created electricity and developed new substances from the Earth’s resources. We no longer adapted or evolved. Instead, we changed our surroundings so that our lives were more leisurely. Even reproduction became something pleasure-based rather than essential. We are now creatures whose lives revolve around comfort.
The Eco-tastrophe 
Plants quietly provided us with air, food, shelter, and medicine the entire time. They filtered our water and battled the chemicals we created. They diligently continued with their lives until the stress became too much. Their cherished biome became unbalanced and started to fall apart. When we finally took notice, there was no way to return things as they were. At least not without giving up the luxuries we had come to depend on. Phrases like ‘biodegradation’ and ‘eco-anxiety’ are commonplace. We are physically and mentally stressed out. Many of us are having difficulty coping, worry about the future and fear for our children.
Our Heroes
As dark as things seem, plants are still there, trying to fix the damage we have done. What would we see if we looked away from our phones long enough to notice what they were doing? Would we learn if we ventured out into the woods or onto the beaches? What if we could understand the life lessons they have learned so that we could live more purposeful lives?
Coming Soon
In my book, “Florosophy: The Meaning of You…According to Plants,” I present the behaviours I have observed in plants and their interactions with each other and their surroundings. The book is divided into ten sections, each examining values essential to discovering who we are and our place in this world. “Earthly Wisdom encourages us to “Spring Back” (resilience), out our “Green Thumbs Up” (sustainability),  display our “Perennial Poise” (balance), and “Let it Germinate” (acceptance). Other headings include “Organic Fortitude,” “Natural Elegance,” and “The Seeds of Change.”

This book is for people who feel overworked and lost in our technological, priority-based world. People who feel like there are not enough hours in the day and who struggle to cross things off their to-do lists. Those who feel tired, alone and underappreciated but stoically march on, performing all the tasks they think are required of them.

It is for the ones who appreciate the sun’s warmth on their face. The ones who pause to admire the multitude of colours in the sunset. Those who notice the tiny moments in life that provide a glimpse of nature’s beauty. They are looking for more meaning in their lives. They want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. Their age and gender, race and religion do not matter. They are caring, sensitive people who have lost the connection with nature, not realizing that we are all inherently drawn to it. 

It’s Your Turn to Be The Hero!

Discover the actions plants have been using to survive for millions of years, and you will begin to understand what you need to do to live a more fulfilling life. You will find ways to quickly and easily recharge yourself to reduce our modern world’s physical and mental effects. Once you do so, you will find a spiritual connection to nature that you will want to share with others.

 Florosophy” shows you what life is about. It puts you on the path to self–discovery and helps define the meaning of you…according to plants.


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